Submission Deadline: TBD
The Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA) invites new academics* to submit articles in competition for the Vera Green Publication Award. The winning article will be published in Transforming Anthropology, the journal of the ABA. This article can focus on any geographic region of the world but it must pertain to public anthropology. The Award Committee frames public anthropology as work that engages and/or directly advocates for persons and communities outside of academia. Articles that discuss broad historical or conceptual issues or that emerge from a narrow question or specific research site are acceptable. The committee will evaluate articles based on the depth of research, theoretical contribution and applied relevance to the field.
The award, established in 2007 by past ABA President, Dana-Ain Davis, is offered in honor of Dr. Vera Mae Green (1928-1982, Ph.D. University of Arizona 1969) who was a pioneer in the fields of public and Caribbean anthropology. A past president of the ABA, Dr. Green served as Director of the Mid-Atlantic Council for Latin American Studies and was active in the Society for Applied Anthropology. Her research and activism focused on poverty and international human rights, and she contributed significantly to interethnic studies, black family studies, and the understanding of aging and migration. As an advocate for diversity in anthropology, Dr. Green actively encouraged African Americans and other people of color to pursue careers in anthropology. It is in the spirit of her commitment to praxis and social justice that the ABA offers this award.
The award deadline is TBD and only applicants who received a Ph.D. after 2014 are eligible for consideration. Essays should be accompanied by applicant’s Ph.D. completion date or verification of ABD status.
Richard Atimniraye Nyelade
Vera Green Publication Award Committee Chair ( )